You're a parent of a child with ADHD dealing with everything from explosive outbursts to sensory overload.
By joining "From Chaos to Calm", you'll gain a customized approach to help your child build emotional resilience, reduce challenging behaviors, and improve your bond with your child.
Ready to leave ineffective strategies behind and create lasting change for your family? Click the link below.

Most parents come to me after having tried everything they could think of to help their child…medication, counseling, occupational and speech therapy, dietary changes, etc. with little impact.
I’ve been there too. Two years after my son was diagnosed with ADHD, we had tried 7 different medications, seen 3 different counselors, tried elimination diets, and completed 1 year of occupational therapy.
Now, there is nothing wrong with any of these…they just didn’t produce sustainable difference for my son and our family.
And so we struggled. And we continued to throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks (rewards and punishments, supplements…). And we lived in survival mode while my son seemed to spiral more and more out of control.
I felt like I was failing my son. Does this sound like you?
Are you exhausted by the power struggles? Are you at your wit’s end dealing with explosive meltdowns? Is your family walking on eggshells to avoid unpredictable and extreme outbursts?
Parenting a child with ADHD can be tough – I understand. As a parent to a child with ADHD, I know first-hand the sense of helplessness, the daily battles, anxiety, and family tension this can create.
My name is Caroline Fitsimones. As a pediatric occupational therapist with 19 years of experience, ADHD-certified clinical service provider, and parent coach, I’ve treated thousands of children with sensory processing, executive function, and emotional regulation challenges.
Unfortunately, there always seemed to be a missing piece of the puzzle–not only in my personal parenting journey, but also in my professional experience. I saw scattered and intermittent progress, but our family and many families I worked with continued to struggle.
This is because so much of ADHD management is outcomes-focused, instead of addressing underlying issues, such as skill gaps, emotional dysregulation, and family dynamics.
This is why, as a parent coach, I do NOT start by addressing behavior. No matter how many behavior management strategies and tips you may try, you won't see sustainable change with your child who is dysregulated and feeling out-of-control.
I won’t dish out one-size-fits-all strategies and tips. And you won’t get a quick-fix band aid solution.
This is because every child, and every family, is unique. Children with ADHD experience the world differently than others–more deeply and intensely–and have a true gap between their ability and performance.
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Most parents come to me after having tried everything they could think of to help their child…medication, counseling, developmental therapy services, dietary changes, etc.
I’ve been there too. Within two years after my son was diagnosed with ADHD, we trialed 7 different medications, saw 3 different counselors, and even tried elimination diets.
Now, there is nothing wrong with any of these…they just didn’t produce sustainable difference for my son and our family.
And so we struggled. And we continued to throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks (rewards and punishments, supplements, etc). And we lived in survival mode while my son spiraled more and more out of control.
I felt like I was failing as a parent, dealing with daily power struggles and facing each day with dread. Does this sound like what you're going through?
Are you tired of dealing with explosive meltdowns and walking on eggshells to avoid outbursts?
Do you feel exhausted from the emotional ups and downs at home?
Does it seem like your relationship with your child is getting worse?
Parenting a child with ADHD can be tough – I understand. As a parent to a child with ADHD, I know firsthand the sense of helplessness, the daily battles, and family tension this can create.

Who Am I?
My name is Caroline Fitsimones. I'm a pediatric occupational therapist with 20 years of experience, ADHD-certified clinical service provider, and parent coach. My most important job, however, is being a mom to two wonderful boys.
I was frustrated by the amount of money and time I had spent on traditional methods to help my son, with little improvement. Looking back, I realize this is because so much of ADHD management is outcomes-focused, instead of addressing root issues like skill gaps, emotional dysregulation, and family relationships.
So, what helped our family? First, I became specialized in treating ADHD in children and gained valuable evidence-based information. Second, my husband and I completed intensive parent training that led to transformation, by highlighting what we needed most to help our son--the ability to manage our own emotions before we could help him manage his emotions. With this new knowledge and powerful experience, I changed my approach drastically.
Fast forward to today, our relationship with our son is strong, he is able to participate in extracurricular activities, and he is able to share about challenging circumstances and ask for help. Best of all, our family truly enjoys being together now!
I've had the privilege of helping other parents deepen their relationships with their children, gain confidence to manage explosive outbursts and hold boundaries, and improve their children's overall executive function skills to increase their independence and emotional resilience.
As a parent coach, I don't start by fixing behavior. No matter how many behavior management strategies and tips you may try, you won't see real change if you and your child are dysregulated and feeling out-of-control. Since every child and family is different, I don't give one-size-fits-all advice or quick fixes. Kids with ADHD experience the world in a unique way, and they need intentional, individualized support to thrive.
How Your Family Can Shift From Chaos to Calm in 8-Weeks
Our 8-week program empowers parents by helping them develop an individualized system to effectively manage their child's ADHD symptoms at its roots to help their child thrive and transform their home from a place of chaos to calm.
Our strengths-based approach takes into account your child's inherent characteristics and abilities and is designed to empower YOU to:
✅ Learn emotional regulation skills for yourself in order to teach them to your child
✅ Communicate effectively and hold limits with your child without resorting to punishments, lecturing, or yelling
✅ Support executive function skills, such as emotional regulation and flexible thinking, which lead to improved behavior and decreased outbursts and aggression
✅ Implement smoother transitions and routines to decrease bedtime and homework struggles
Once you gain these skills, you will:
⭐ begin to understand and deeply connect with your child to become a source of trust and guidance
⭐ begin to see positive changes in their behavior
⭐ help your child process and express intense emotions more effectively
⭐ experience calmer and more joyful moments in your home
⭐ dropping off your child at school without wondering when you'll get a phone call from the teacher
⭐ being able to go shopping with your child, without a tantrum in the store
⭐ your child approaching you to help them solve a problem collaboratively
⭐ your child completing homework and projects or managing friendships effectively
Ready to find peace and success in your ADHD parenting journey?

Exactly What You'll Get When
You Join our 8-week program,
"From Chaos to Calm":
⭐ Weekly recorded training modules and assignments
⭐ One-on-one calls between client and coach to assess progress
⭐ Weekly group calls to share progress and ask questions along with other parents
⭐ Accountability and community through our private Facebook Group
⭐ Extra support, via email, to troubleshoot and answer questions
⭐ Continued support after the conclusion of the program via our private Facebook Group, which includes monthly trainings.

From Overwhelmed to Empowered:
Heather's Journey to Regulating Herself and Her Child
What problems were you facing before the program?
[Heather]: I was facing a defiant child. A child that was lashing out with anger from not being regulated. My son has ADHD, Anxiety, Hydrocephalus, and sensory issues.
What was your experience with the program like?
[Heather]: A Godsend. I felt like I was falling apart and alone before I started this journey with Caroline. My son was struggling with how to regulation, ADHD, anxiety to name a few things.
What was most helpful about the program?
[Heather]: Honesty, Caroline. She is so knowledgeable with how to help children. She was encouraging, helped me learn to regulate myself so that I could help my child. Caroline was there for me every step of the way, I never felt alone in the process.
I looked forward to each week’s assignment. I knew after week one I was going to learn so much and it gave me a sense of relief to know I was not alone.
How is life now?
[Heather]: We are doing much better; I have learned how to handle things differently which has helped in everyday meltdowns. Do they still happen? Yes, but so much less and easier to handle because I have a different outlook. I can see a difference, not only in my son, but myself and that is all thanks to this program.
What would you like other parents to know?
[Heather]: That this program was truly what I was missing. I wish I found it years ago. If you are struggling and feeling lost, alone, and defeated, you came to the right place. You won’t feel alone, you will find yourself again and you will find hope. I highly recommend this program and I hope you decide to take the step forward and let Caroline help you too.
~Heather M.
Building Strong Foundations:
Sherry's Story of Growth and Transformation for Her Child
What problems were you facing before the program?
[Sherry]: I was looking for more behavioral approaches to help my child. Up to that point, we had taken Parent Child Interactive Therapy together, my daughter was trained in self relaxation techniques, and she was prescribed ADHD medications. I couldn’t find anything else that focused on behavior that was available locally that was specific to ADHD. Then someone told me about Caroline’s class and I immediately pursued it.
What was your experience with the program like?
[Sherry]: It was just what I needed to gain awareness, skills and a new mindset. I found the pace good and the concepts immediately applicable. Caroline is very real about these concepts as she lives it, which is tremendously helpful. She knows this is hard stuff, but also doable with time and effort.
What was most helpful about the program?
[Sherry]: For me, learning the techniques, like “scaffolding”, was instrumental in my helping my child. It was helpful to be able to ask questions during the interactive group calls. It was also helpful to get feedback as Caroline would take the time to discuss how we could get a bit more out of the situation in the future. Learning to celebrate every "win" along the way is a powerful practice as it makes one focus on one’s family’s progress and it fosters a deeper appreciation of one’s child.
How is life now?
[Sherry]: It is definitely better for my child. She has made tremendous progress in school and at home. This past school year was very successful for her and I’m hoping will set her up for a good year starting this fall. She is better at developing friends.
As for me, I have learned that I need to focus on my needs more to level out my own ups and downs.
What would you like other parents to know?
[Sherry]: Remember this is a process and don’t be too hard on yourself when you fall short. Just review where you are and begin again. It’s also a process for your child as they develop self management skills as well as evolve through each phase of childhood towards adulthood.
~Sherry B.
Ready to Re-Gain Control in Your Home?
Are you going to stay in survival mode hoping things will get better one day? Or do you want to ENJOY parenting rather than endure it; punish less and connect more; yell less and laugh more? Let's drastically change your family dynamics and gain skills that will help you feel like a capable and confident parent.